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Saturday, January 25, 2020

Skeletons in the Closet

I shuffled down the hallway,

Unlocked the bedroom door,

Inspected the closet,

Disheveled items all over the floor.

For a long time this was on lock down,

But recently I ripped the door of its hinge,

If you want to get rid of the skeletons,

You have to breathe life on them again.

Shine the light on the dark corners,

Confront the webs of strife,

In order to fully deal with the past,

Those dry bones must come to life.

So I continue to hunt the spider,

I’ve grown more comfortable with an opened can of worms,

Because though it continues to be a process,

I want to find healing and live life on my own terms.

God, shine a light on the darkness,

Though I am only a jar of clay,

I pray that You mold me and shape me,

So that not only will healing be mine, but put You on display.

Joy Lynn