Please know….I see you…
I see you stooped at the bar,
Pen in hand, scribbling almost…incoherently,
Eyes clouded by tears, teeth clasped shut,
Beads of sweat form as thoughts run fast.
How can I let them all know,
It’s not them, but its me?
I can’t fight this anymore,
My defenses are low and strength run thin,
I can’t make that desperate call again…
So many distraught thoughts and vague texts,
I can’t continue to drag you through this mess.
It’s not fair to you, this roller coaster I am on.
You didn’t ask to ride this,
So it’s time to say “so long.”
I’m sorry it has come down to this,
I couldn’t take it anymore.
I am done with holding everyone back,
So run your race with joy….
The thing I could never quite grasp myself.
I know and can reason within my head,
But my wicked heart speaks up once again,
“You’ll never make it, you can’t keep this up,
You try your best but IT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH,
You might as well give up.”
I see you, please put down the pen,
Put down your weapon of choice
And choose life again.
It’s dark now
But don’t let it be the end.
Please let Me in…