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Sunday, August 7, 2016

New Life in Thee

My heart is wicked beyond belief,
My spirit is weakened and headed towards defeat,
My soul is heavy and in disrepair,
My strength is drained and I’m gasping for air.

I need You, Lord, to make me whole,
Inwardly dying, I’m losing control,
I need a transplant to make it through,
You’re the only Surgeon who can make my heart new.

In order for me to live, something must die, (Romans 6:23)
Lucky for me, You laid down your life, (Romans 5:8)
On the cross You paid for my sin and shame, (Romans 4:25)
To offer reconciliation to all is why you came.  (1 Peter 3:18)

So I’m asking You, Lord, to take this broken heart,
Exchange it for one with a brand new start,
One in Your likeness and strong in grace,
One that shows faith no matter what I face. 

Give a new heart and a new spirit, I plea, (Ezekiel 36:26)
Not only to me, but to others I see,
For we all wander aimlessly without reprieve,
Until Your salvation, it sets us free.  (Romans 8: 1-3)

Please grant us, Lord, new life in Thee.

Joy Lynn

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