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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

He already said I Do

It’s wedding season…I’ve attended two behind and still have two ahead of me.  As an unwed single person who honestly doesn’t see a wedding in my future, I was amused that the conversations I have had include what I would and wouldn’t do in my own wedding, if I ever had one.  It’s amusing because I’m nearly positive it’s not in my future, yet there I am, daydreaming and planning. 

“So why these thoughts?”, I asked myself.

As I searched my heart, the best answer I could come up with is the “I do” moment.  Traditional wedding vows read something like, "I, _____, take thee, _____, to be my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith." 

Even I suffer from fairy tale hopeless romantic ideals.  That dream that someone would look around and of all the human beings on this planet, they’d say to me, “I choose you…..I choose you today, tomorrow and for each future day.  In times of sun and much rain…I will still choose you even when the seasons change. Lots of aspects of life will come and go but to the best of my ability, I promise to remain.”

But what’s often forgotten is that this has already been said to me by a God who knows all the absolute worst things about me and yet still loves me intimately.  I have a God that chooses me and loves me no matter if I’m at my best or worst.

I don’t really want to get married.  I just want to be unconditionally loved.  With God, I am.  In Christ, we are.  When will this be enough?

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