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Monday, May 5, 2014

When it rains, it pours----a poem/prayer

When it rains, it pours,
This I know well,
As I toss these coins,
In a wishing well.

Wishing life would slow down…
Wishing friends to be well…
Wishing that the hungry be fed…
Wishing that the lost be led…

Wishing for the sky to clear…
Wishing that I’d feel You near…
Wishing that I’d trust You here…
Run in the rain with no fear…

In the eye of this storm I see You,
“Peace, be still, My dear,”
In the wind and the rain You whisper..
If only my heart would hear.

I see You walking on water,
I hear You bid me near,
But Lord, I cannot swim in this,
I’m frozen and paralyzed in fear.

If only I knew Your power,
If only I trusted Your ways,
If only I reached out to You,
You’d carry me through the waves.

Lord, give me eyes to see,
To know You’re in the midst.
Give my friends and family peace,
And give my anxious heart rest.

-Joy Lynn Chambers

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