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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Today I Bleed

Hey, got a second?

Can we walk over there?

No, I don’t want to talk,

Just want to get out of here.

My mind is a prison

And it’s holding my body hostage.

Tired of being “on”,

Quite frankly I’m exhausted.

I just need a place to break down;

I usually do that alone.

But maybe it’s a bit healthier,

If I don’t do this on my own.

Frankly, I hardly have the time

And honestly neither do you.

So maybe I’ll just keep it to myself

And just continue to push on through.

I read a quote the other day,

It feels remarkably true,

About where I’m at currently

And what I’ll eventually do.

Sir Andrew Barton, a pirate after a battle said:

“I am hurt but I am not slain.

I’ll lay me down and bleed awhile,

Then I’ll rise and fight again.”

So today I bleed,

In hopes that tomorrow I can smile.

I’ll ride these waves til I get to shore,

Just to fight to walk another mile.

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